Tuesday, 19 June 2012


As part of my A2 Media coursework I have chosen to create a film trailer choosing whatever genre I want. Personally I’m looking forward to this part of the unit because it will allow me to have total control over the project and can be as creative as I want, however before I start I must analyse existing film trailers, posters and other promoting media products. I myself enjoy a variety of different of films and genres .i.e. Indiana Jones, Star wars, Kick-Ass, Xmen, Scream, Saw and many others. Initially I thought that I would find it difficult to pick a genre that I would want to create a film trailer for, but in fact it wasn’t. After about an hour I decided I would create a trailer for a comedy. I’ve chosen to review the genre of comedy as it has one of the most difficult audiences to please. By this I mean that comedies are usually hits or misses and this is because what may make one type of audience laugh others may find offensive or insulting, but I’m up for a challenge and believe I’d be able to create a successful comedy trailer. My primary target audience will be teenagers but more specifically 12-25 and my secondary audience will be 30+